110 Chapter 5 Community and Environmental Responsibilities
To Vote
Voting is both a right and a responsibility. It is a privilege to be able to
help choose your government leaders. People in many nations do not have
that freedom. It is your duty to cast your ballot on election days. If you do
not vote, you will be letting other people choose your leaders for you.
If you are 18 years old and a United States citizen, you may register
to vote. Make a point of learning how candidates stand on the issues.
You will then be able to determine which candidate’s views are most like
yours. This will help you know how to cast your vote.
To Obey the Law
Although people sometimes complain about laws, life would be
chaos without them. You have a right to the benefi ts that laws provide.
You have a responsibility to obey laws that govern your behavior. For
instance, you have a legal right to a public education. However, you also
have a legal responsibility to attend school until you reach a certain age.
To Pay Taxes
Taxes are needed to create the type of society to which U.S. citizens
have grown accustomed. Federal, state, and local governments collect
taxes. Tax dollars are used to pay for national defense, postal services,
health inspection services, and police and fi re protection. Roads, parks,
and schools are all funded by taxes.
As a citizen, you have a right to the services provided by tax dollars.
You also have a responsibility to pay taxes. Monitoring the fairness of tax
laws is both a right and a responsibility.
Citizens can stay
informed of their rights
and responsibilities by
researching laws and
government policy on the
City Supervisor
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