Design Ideas
The IDEO team uses 2D and 3D models to
communicate ideas
Designers use 2D and 3D modeling to communicate and evaluatev
their design ideas. The team of Adam Mack, John Lai, Eleanor r Morgan,
Paul Silberschatz, and Brian Mason at IDEO first built a 3D model o of
the Aquaduct using cardboard, masking tape, and a hot glue gun. g They
used a storyboard to visualize how the A Aq uaduct
cycle might be used. They drew detailed plans
and modeled parts Next they built a full-size and modeled parts. Next, they built a full
is to working model for testing. The next step
to involve the end users in the design process e
needs. help ensure that the product meets their
Storytelling can showcase the proposed
design solution to the user.
The IDEO team created the first 3D model of the Aquaduct
from readily available objects.
“Prototyping allows for
quick and inexpensive
exploration of potential
solutions to problems.”
Tom Kelley
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