Two-Stroke Engines has been designed to help aspiring technicians learn
the construction, operation, service, and repair of modern two-stroke
engines. The author was motivated to write the text by the lack of a com-
prehensive, up-to-date resource that addresses the specific training needs of
technicians who will be called on to service and repair two-stroke engines
found in today’s handheld outdoor power equipment. The author’s goal is
to close the two-stroke industry’s skills gap with trained, knowledgeable,
skilled technicians.
Outdoor power equipment sold in the US must now meet stringent clean
air standards set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Manufac-
turers have responded to this challenge by introducing dynamic new engine
designs that meet EPA standards. In fact, today’s two-stroke engines actu-
ally exceed these standards, with exhaust that is as clean as or cleaner than
that produced by the present-day automobile. Servicing and repairing these
engines requires specialized training, however, which educators and their
partners in industry are stepping up to provide. Two-Stroke Engines is
offered as a new instructional tool to buttress their efforts.
The introductory chapter of Two-Stroke Engines provides the reader with
an overview of two-stroke technology and its place in the outdoor power
equipment industry. Subsequent chapters on safety, fasteners, and tools
develop an awareness of safe industry practices and prepare students for
hands-on learning in the shop. The importance of working safely is further
developed by Caution and Warning boxes throughout the text. Chapter 5 on
the two-stroke engine cycle presents detailed information on the construc-
tion and operation of two-stroke engines, followed by comparably detailed
information on the fuel system in Chapter 6. Chapter 7 addresses the vital
foundational topic of basic electricity, and provides a springboard for Chap-
ter 8, Ignition Systems. The text concludes with a unique chapter on engine
troubleshooting and evaluation that helps learners put theory into practice.
The approach used in Two-Stroke Engines is methodical, practical, and
highly visual. Each chapter starts with a well-defined set of learning objec-
tives and a list of key terms to know. Summaries and review questions at the
end of chapters reinforce learning. Throughout the text, the Shop Practice
feature helps learners understand best industry practices. Special attention
has been paid to the illustration program. More than 400 detailed illustra-
tions and photographs, many of them developed specifically for this text-
book, help to deepen the learner’s understanding of theory as well as service
and repair procedures. To show the varied applications of two-stroke tech-
nology, examples and illustrations are drawn from leading manufacturers.
An important objective of the text is to help students and practicing
technicians learn the competencies required for the Equipment & Engine
Training Council’s (EETC) Two-Stroke Engine Certification, which is widely
recognized by prospective employers in industry. EETC has established a
nationally recognized certification program for outdoor power equipment
technicians. Two-Stroke Engines, along with its instructor support pack-
age, is designed to support EETC’s important mission.
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