Video Game Design and Programming Concepts 54 Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc. May not be reproduced or posted to a publicly accessible website. 172. Click the Browse button next to the Project path: text box, navigate to your working folder, and select it. The HTML 5 files will be added to a subfolder in this folder. 173. Click the OK button to compile your game. 174. Submit all work for grading. Going Beyond Going beyond activities are suggestions to challenge your game-building skills. Complete these steps as directed by your instructor. 175. Add a second ball to the game, different from the first ball (like a basketball). 176. Enhance the sounds to have better effects for the game interactions. 177. Program the ball objects to bounce when colliding with enemy objects. 178. Post your game to your school’s website, your blog, or your social media outlets so your friends can download and play your creation. Vocabulary Write a definition for each of the key terms from this lesson. You will develop a personal glossary of key terms throughout this course. video game ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ game environment ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ rule ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ victory condition ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ boss ________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Name the project Click to select a location to save the project Goodheart-Willcox Publisher Figure 3-17. When compiling a game into distributable format, name the project and specify a location to save the file or files.
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