2 27 2 2 Part Two Creating a Safe and Healthful Environment
The best protection against fires fi
is prevention. For instance, store
matches where children cannot reach
them and accidentally start fires. fi
As a teacher, you need to find and fi
correct fire hazards. A fire fi safety fi
checklist is shown in 11-4. Study
this list so you will be able to spot
hazards and take action quickly.
Check smoke alarms at least
once each month to make sure they
are working. If smoke detectors are
battery powered, change batteries
when indicated. Most states require
smoke alarms to be hardwired into
the electrical system.
Fire Extinguishers
Each child care center needs
several fi re extinguishers. One fi
fire extinguisher should be placed fi
in or next to the kitchen. Place
Fire Safety Checklist
Yes No
1. Exit passageways and ex xi ts are free from furniture and equipment.
2. Locks on bathroom and toilet o stall doors can be opened from the outside
and can be opened easily y by center staff.
3. Protective covers are on all a electrical outlets.
4. Permanent wiring is used instead of lengthy extension cords.
5. Each wall outlet contains no more than two electrical appliances.
6. A fi re evacuation plan is p po sted.
7. Fire drills are conducted a at least monthly, some of which are unannounced.
8. Flammable, combustible, and other dangerous materials (including hand
sanitizers) are marked an nd stored in areas accessible only to staff.
9. Children are restricted to fl oors with grade level exits (no stairs).
10. The basement door is kep pt closed.
11. There is no storage under stairs.
12. Smoke detectors are in place l and checked regularly.
13. Smoke alarms, fi re alarms, s and emergency lighting are checked at least
once a month.
14. Matches are kept out of th he reach of children.
15. Toys, chairs, tables, and other h equipment are made of flame-retardant materials. fl
16. Carpets and rugs are treated a with a fl ame-retardant material.
17. Emergency procedures and numbers are posted by each telephone.
18. Evacuation cribs fi t easily y through the doors.
A fi re safety checklist may include many items. Would you add any items to
this h checklist?
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