2 27 4 4 Part Two Creating a Safe and Healthful Environment
by trained staff and monthly checks
of the emergency lighting system.
Documentation must show that these
inspections occurred.
Every center needs to have
well-planned evacuation procedures.
These procedures must be approved
by a fire inspector from the local fi
fire department. This approval fi
occurs on an annual basis during
the observation of a fire drill fi
and building inspection for fire fi
hazards. The procedures should
include escape routes (and alternate
escape routes), planned meeting
places outside of the building,
staff assignments, and location of
alarms and emergency lighting. The
evacuation procedures should be
posted in every room where they
can be easily seen. Emergency phone
numbers should also be posted. In
case of blocked routes, alternative
evacuation routes should be
planned. An example of procedures
to be used is shown in 11-5.
If a fi re is discovered in the fi
center, sound the alarm immediately.
Stay calm. If you panic, the children
will panic as well. Evacuate children
from the building at once, even
if you do not see flames. Smoke, fl
not fire, is responsible for more fi
deaths. Leave the classroom lights
on and close the doors. Do not
lock the doors, however. Lights
allow fi refighters fi to see better in a fi
smoke-filled structure. fi
Take roll as soon as the children
and staff have cleared the building
and have reached the planned
meeting areas. When firefightersfi fi
arrive, inform the chief whether
anyone is still in the building.
Emergency Lighting
All e All early childhood facilities are required
to have emergency lighting approved by
a local authority. This lighting is placed
in hallways, stairwells, and building exits.
Some communities require fixed, mounted fi
security lighting in these locations. For
family day care homes, battery-powered
emergency lights that plug into wall outlets
to remain charged may be acceptable.
Always check with the local fire marshal fi
and state licensing rules to determine the
type and location of emergency lighting. No
early childhood facility should use candles
or fuel-operated lanterns for emergency
lighting because they are not safe.
Al l e
E Li ht
Safety First Safety First
Evacuation Procedures
1. Sound fi re alarm.
2. Evacuate the building.
3. When leaving the building, leave lights on and close doors. Do not lock doors.
4. Call the fi re department after a leaving the building.
5. Take roll as soon as the children c are together in a safe, predetermined place.
6. When the firefighters fi arriv ve , report whether all children and staff are out of the building. fi
R Review evacuation procedures with children. Post the procedures in a noticeable
p pl pl ace ac e.
p p
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