As technology has changed, drafting has
changed with it. Many new and improved ways
of describing emerging technologies have been
developed. The ways in which drawings are
created have changed greatly with advances in
computer-aided drafting (CAD). While signifi- fi
cant developments have occurred in technology
and drafting, the fundamentals of drafting have
remained the same.
Drafting and Design: Engineering Drawing
Using Manual and CAD Techniques has been
thoroughly revised and updated to keep pace
with the changes in industry and drafting. It
provides a comprehensive approach to the study
of drafting and includes hands-on procedures
that teach both manual and CAD drafting skills.
This textbook is designed to teach manual and
CAD drafting in tandem—for each drafting task
covered, both methods are discussed, beginning
with a manual procedure, and following with an
equivalent CAD procedure. This organization
allows the learner to study and solve drafting
problems through the use of step-by-step man-
ual procedures, CAD procedures, or both. This
integrated approach permits the development of
manual and CAD drafting skills simultaneously
or in sequence.
Drafting and Design: Engineering Drawing
Using Manual and CAD Techniques is divided
into five sections. It features three new chap- fi
ters, new coverage of CAD drafting practices
and procedures, new drafting problems, and
many new illustrations. The arrangement of
chapters has been revised to group related
material together. Two new chapters serve as a
foundation for instruction in CAD drafting—
Chapter 3, Introduction to CAD, and Chapter 4, D
CAD Commands and Functions. In addition,
throughout the text, new CAD drafting
coverage supplements the manual drafting
principles taught in this book.
Chapter 1, Drafting and the Drafter, has been r r
revised to give an overview of basic drafting
principles, problem solving, and drafting careers.
Chapter 5, Sketching, Lettering, and Text, covers t
basic sketching techniques, manual lettering
practices, and CAD text commands and func-
tions. Chapter 6, Basic Geometric Constructions,
and Chapter 7, Advanced Geometric Constructions,
present manual and CAD-based procedures for
common drawing constructions. Drafting pro-
cedures for both manual and CAD instruction
appear in subsequent chapters on multiview
drawings, dimensioning, section views, pictorial
drawings, auxiliary views, revolutions, intersec-
tions, and developments. The Drafting and Design
Specializations section of this book contains indi-
vidual chapters on different drafting disciplines,
including a new chapter on Structural Drafting.g g
Even though this book has been signi-
fi cantly updated, the strengths of previous fi
editions have been retained. Some of these
strengths include true-to-life problems from
industry, complete step-by-step procedures for
complex drafting procedures, a problem- solving
approach used throughout the text, clear and
concise examples, relevant career information,
and adherence to ANSI/ASME and industry
standards throughout.
The creative approach to problem solving—
so essential in all technical careers today—is
emphasized throughout the text. Drafting and
Design: Engineering Drawing Using Manual
and CAD Techniques is truly a comprehensive
drafting text presented in an easy-to-understand
and well-illustrated style.
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