abilities. Skills that are already
developed. (5)
abstinence. Choosing to refrain
from some activity, such as
using drugs or having sexual
intercourse. (8)
accommodation. Form of marital
adjustment in which two
partners recognize and accept
differences in each other. (13)
acquaintance rape. Occurs when
a person the victim knows
forces or pressures the victim
into nonconsenting sexual
intercourse. (11)
acquired traits. Human traits
developed as a result of
environmental factors. (1)
active listening. Type of listening
in which a person indicates to
the sender that a message has
been heard and understood,
encouraging further
communication. (9)
addiction. The abuse of any drug
that results in a physical or
psychological need for the
drug. (7)
adjustable life insurance. Flexible
insurance that allows the
insured to alter the coverage
as the need for protection
and the ability to pay for it
change. (23)
adoption. The legal process
through which a child’s legal
guardianship is transferred
from his or her birthparents to
adoptive parents. (8)
advertising. Promoting a product
or service through different
techniques to influence
consumer purchasing
decisions. (22)
agency adoption. Procedure in
which the birthparents release
their child to an adoption
agency rather than directly to
adoptive parents. The agency
then places the child with a
carefully selected adoptive
family. (8)
AIDS (Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome).
Condition that develops
when the HIV virus attacks
the immune system of the
body, creating a weakness to
infections. (8)
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