alcoholic. A person who suffers
from a condition manifested
by compulsive, obsessive
drinking that is beyond the
person’s control. (7)
alimony. Money paid by the
primary wage earner to the
other marriage partner during
and after a divorce. (18)
allowance. Money given by
parents to children for their
personal needs. (17)
amniocentesis. Process in which
a long, thin needle is inserted
into the uterus and part of the
fl uid surrounding the fetus is
drawn out and analyzed for
abnormalities. (15)
amotivational syndrome.
Behavior pattern typical of
long-term marijuana users
in which they have trouble
remembering things and
concentrating. They become
apathetic and lethargic,
adopting a “drop-out”
personality. (7)
anabolic steroids. Synthetic
testosterone-like drugs
that have tissue-building
properties. (7)
anemia. Condition in which
people have a low level of
hemoglobin in their blood
caused by a defi ciency of iron
in the diet. (8)
annulment. A court order stating
that a legal marriage never
took place. (20)
anorexia nervosa. An eating
disorder in which people have
an intense fear of being obese
and a distorted image of their
bodies. They therefore starve
themselves. (6)
app. Application for technology. (2)
apprenticeship. A formal,
registered program for
training an individual in a
skilled craft or trade. (5)
aptitudes. Natural abilities or
potential for special talents. (5)
artificial insemination. Method
of treating infertility in
which a physician places
sperm directly in the upper
part of a woman’s vagina or
uterus. (15)
assertive. Sure and confi dent,
expressing feelings directly,
asking for what is wanted,
and refusing what is not
wanted. (9)
attitude. A feeling or mental
position that causes a person
to react to a situation, concept,
or object in a characteristic
way. (3)
authority fi gures. People such as
parents, teachers, and police
offi cers who make rules, laws,
or other fi nal decisions to help
protect others. (2)
automated teller machines
(ATMs). Convenient
computerized machines that
facilitate banking transactions
at numerous locations 24
hours a day. (24)
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