82 Unit 2 Nutrition and Food Choices
Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.
Maintaining Weight. You can maintain your weight by balancing calo-
ries consumed with calories burned throughout the day.
Calories in = Calories burned
Gaining Weight. When you consume more calories than your body
burns, an energy imbalance occurs. The number of calories you take in and
burn doesn’t have to balance each day. If you take in more calories than
you burn over time, however, you will gain weight. Those extra calories are
stored in the body (mostly as fat).
Calories in Calories burned
Losing Weight. An energy imbalance also occurs if, over time, you
burn more calories than you take in. As you can probably guess, if you
burn more than you consume, you will lose weight.
Calories in Calories burned
Whole-Wheat Turkey Wrap Sliced Aples
Fried Chicken and Fries
Grilled Chicken Salad
Grilled Chicken Roasted Sweet Potatoes Side Salad with Low-fat Dressing
Healthy Option 1
Healthy Option 2
Healthy Option 3
You can use your new
knowledge of nutrition to
“make over” meals and eat
Figure 3.9
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