Part Two Apparel Industries
The purpose of fashion promotion is to
make people interested in particular apparel
pro ducts, so they will want to buy them. Pro-
moters want people to feel as if they have to
have the latest items. Fashion promotion includes
advertising, publicity, visual merchandising,
special events, video merchandising, and elec-
tronic merchandising.
Advertising is a paid promotional message
by an identifi ed sponsor. It appears in media
such as newspapers, magazines, television, and
radio. Local and regional retail stores use mostly
local newspaper and radio ads. The ads are
usually prepared by each store’s advertising
department. Nationwide retailers and textile and
apparel manufacturers often use television and
national magazine ads, which are more expen-
sive than local newspaper and radio ads. The
TV and magazine ads are generally prepared by
advertising agencies. Companies may also use
online advertising, such as banner ads or search
engine advertising, as a way to attract customers.
Sometimes textile and apparel manufac-
turers share the costs of cooperative advertising
with retailers. The retailer benefi ts by paying
only part of the advertising costs. The manu-
facturer shares the costs and benefi ts by having
its name or product linked with a known and
respected retailer.
Publicity is free promotion. It includes
nonpaid messages to the public about a com-
pany’s merchandise, activities, or services. An
example might be a newspaper story about a
store or its branches. Another example might
be a fashion magazine’s layout of photographs
taken at a manufacturer’s collection showing,
such as in 7-1.
Public relations departments of businesses
try to get publicity through various media
sources. Sometimes individuals promote their
fi rms during speeches to live audiences. Some-
times they hold press conferences to promote
their products or services.
Press kits are distributed by some manu-
facturers. The kits include photos and written
copy about the companies’ lines in the hope of
being included in fashion news articles. A press
kit is shown in 7-2.
Visual Merchandising and
Special Events
Visual merchandising is presenting goods
in an attractive and understandable manner. The
way goods are placed on view can be a key to
achieving high sales. Displays and exhibits are
ways that clothing items are visually promoted.
Mannequins are commonly used in both window
International Linen Promotion Commission
Including this photograph as part of a fashion story in a
magazine would give the manufacturer publicity, or free promotion.
Press kits include pictures and words that can easily be
placed into newspapers or magazines, sent out to try to obtain
publicity for the company.
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