Chapter 7 Design and Layout
Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.
Colors appear brighter when placed within a
black box, Figure 7-11.
Different color combinations change the
appearance, Figure 7-12.
Different proportions of color change the
appearance, Figure 7-13.
Dark colors recede; light colors come forward,
Figure 7-14.
Warm colors move forward; cool colors move
back, Figure 7-15.
Equal proportions of color do not allow for
contrast, Figure 7-16.
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Figure 7-11. Colors placed on a black background appear
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Figure 7-12. Different color combinations change the
appearance of the color. The green is the same color in both
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Figure 7-14. Dark colors recede, while light colors come forward.
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Figure 7-13. Different proportions of color change the
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Figure 7-15. Warm colors move forward, and cool colors
move back.
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