abdominal thrust. A procedure used to save
choking victims. (6)
abilities. Skills developed with practice. (26)
Aboriginal. One of the fi rst, or native, inhabitants of
a land. (28)
absorption. The process of taking nutrients into the
body and making them part of the body. (2)
aerobic activity. A physical activity that speeds heart
rate and breathing, promoting endurance. (5)
agriculture. The use of knowledge and skill to tend
soil, grow crops, and raise livestock. (1)
ají. The Peruvian and Chilean term for chilies. (29)
a la carte. Type of menu in which each menu item is
individually priced. (24)
al dente. Italian term describing the way pasta is
cooked so its texture is slightly resistant to the
bite. (31)
alternative. An option a person might choose when
making a decision. (1)
American (family style) service. Style of meal
service in which diners pass serving dishes
from hand to hand around the table and serve
themselves. (24)
amino acid. A chemical compound that serves as a
building block of proteins. (2)
anemia. A condition resulting from defi ciencies
of various nutrients, which is characterized
by a reduced number of red blood cells in the
bloodstream. (2)
anorexia nervosa. An eating disorder characterized
by self-starvation. (5)
anthocyanin. A reddish pigment found in
vegetables. (14)
antioxidant. A substance that prevents or slows
down damage caused by chemical reactions
involving oxygen. (2)
antipasto. An Italian appetizer course. (31)
appetite. A psychological desire to eat. (1)
appetizer. Light food or beverage that begins a meal
and is designed to stimulate the appetite. (24)
Note: See also the Glossary of Food Preparation Terms on pages 236-238 in Chapter 12, “Recipes and
Work Plans.” Numbers in parentheses refer to the chapter in which each term is defi ned.
aptitude. A natural talent; an ability to learn
something quickly and easily (26)
arcing. Sparking that occurs in a microwave oven
when metal comes in contact with the oven
walls. (12)
arepa. A corn pancake similar to a tortilla that is a
traditional Venezuelan bread. (29)
artifi cial light. Light that most often comes from
electrical fi xtures. (7)
artifi cial sweetener. A product that sweetens food
without providing the calories of sugar. (11)
ascorbic acid. A food additive that prevents color
and fl avor loss and adds nutritive value; another
name for vitamin C. (25)
aseptic packaging. A commercial method
of packaging food in which a food and its
packaging material are sterilized separately and
then the food is packed in the container in a
sterile chamber. (25)
attitude. Your outlook on life. It is refl ected by how you
react to the events and people around you. (27)
avgolemono. A popular Greek sauce made from a
mixture of egg yolks and lemon juice. (31)
bacteria. Single-celled or noncellular
microorganisms that live almost everywhere. (6)
basal metabolism. The amount of energy the
human body needs to stay alive and carry on
vital processes. (5)
batter. Flour-liquid mixture with a consistency
ranging from thin to thick, depending on the
proportion of dry to liquid ingredients. (22)
beading. Golden droplets of moisture that sometimes
appear on the surface of a meringue. (17)
beef. Meat that comes from mature cattle. (18)
beef stroganov. A popular Russian meat dish made
with tender strips of beef, mushrooms, and a
seasoned sour cream sauce. (33)
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