Guide to Good Food
beriberi. A disease of the nervous system resulting
from a thiamin defi ciency, which is characterized
by numbness in the ankles and legs followed by
severe cramping and paralysis and potentially
fatal heart disturbances. (2)
berries. Classifi cation of fruits, including
strawberries, raspberries, and grapes, that are
small and juicy and have thin skins. (15)
beverageware. Drinking glasses, often called
glassware, of many shapes and sizes used for a
variety of purposes. (7)
binge eating disorder. An eating disorder
characterized by repeated episodes of
uncontrolled eating of large amounts of food. (5)
bisque. A rich, thickened cream soup. (16)
blend. Several varieties of coffee beans mixed to
produce a particular fl avor and aroma (12); a
food seasoning made from a combination of
spices and herbs. (21)
blue plate service. Type of meal service in which
the plates are fi lled in the kitchen, carried to the
dining area, and served. (24)
body composition. Proportions of bone, muscle, fat,
and other tissues that make up body weight. (5)
body mass index (BMI). A calculation involving a
person’s weight and height measurements used
by health professionals to assess a person’s
weight. (5)
borscht. Russian beet soup. (33)
botulism. Foodborne illness caused by eating
foods containing the spore-forming bacteria
Clostridium botulinum. (25)
bouillon. Clear broth made from strained, clarifi ed
stock, most often made from beef stock. (21)
bouquet garni. Whole spices and herbs tied
together in a cheesecloth bag and added to a
food during cooking for fl avor. Parsley, thyme,
and bay leaf usually are used. (21)
bran. The outer protective covering of a kernel of
grain. (13)
brand name. The name a manufacturer puts on
products so people will know that company
makes the products. (11)
braten. German term for roast, which is Germany’s
national dish. (30)
budget. A plan for managing income and
expenses. (10)
buffet service. Style of meal service in which
a large table or buffet holds the utensils,
dinnerware, fl atware, napkins, and serving
dishes from which guests serve themselves. (24)
bulgur. Grain product made from whole wheat that
has been cooked, dried, partly debranned, and
cracked. (32)
bulimia nervosa. An eating disorder characterized
by repeated eating binges followed by
inappropriate behaviors to prevent weight gain. (5)
cacao. A plant that produces beans that are ground
into cocoa or made into chocolate. (32)
caffeine. A compound found in coffee and some
other plant products that acts as a stimulant. (12)
Cajun cuisine. Hearty fare of rural Southern
Louisiana that refl ects the foods and cooking
methods of the Acadians, French, Native
Americans, Africans, and Spanish. (28)
calorie. The unit used to measure the energy value
of foods. (3)
calorie balance. When calories consumed equal
calories burned. (3)
candling. Process by which eggs are quality-
graded. (17)
canning. A food preservation process that involves
sealing food in airtight containers. (25)
carbohydrate. One of the six basic types of
nutrients that is the body’s chief source of
energy. (2)
cardiovascular health. A strong heart and blood
vessels. (4)
career. A series of related occupations that show
progression in a fi eld of work. (26)
career clusters. Sixteen groups of occupations or
career specialties that are similar or related to
one another. (26)
carotene. Chemical substance found in orange
fruits and vegetables that can be converted into
vitamin A by the body; chemical substance that
gives orange vegetables and fruits their color. (14)
cassava. A starchy root plant (also known as
manioc) eaten as a side dish and used in fl our
form in cooking and baking in South America. (29)
casserole. A baking dish with high sides (9);
combination of foods prepared in a single dish. (21)
caste system. A social system in India that evolved
from Hinduism and divided people into groups,
or castes. (33)
caviar. The processed, salted roe (eggs) of large
fi sh, most often sturgeon. (33)
cereal. Starchy grain that is suitable to use as food. (13)
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