Industrial Maintenance and Mechatronics 2e, Online Textbook

Industrial Maintenance and Mechatronics 2e, Online Textbook

Industrial Maintenance and Mechatronics is a comprehensive text that provides curriculum support for Industrial Technology Maintenance (ITM) programs. The text consists of 40 chapters grouped into sections that correspond to principal industrial technology disciplines, with a special focus on electrical systems and electronic controls. With an exclusive endorsement from NIMS, this learning program is designed to work hand-in-glove with the NIMS Smart Duties and Standards for Industrial Technology Maintenance, providing students with the necessary knowledge and skills for entry-level positions in industrial maintenance and helps them prepare for NIMS credentialing. Instructors and students will appreciate the convenience and value of a comprehensive text that can be used in multiple courses and programs.

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Table of Contents

Abbreviated Contents

Industrial Maintenance and Mechatronics 2e, Online Textbook