Machine Trades Print Reading 7e

Machine Trades Print Reading 7e

Author: Michael A. Barsamian and Richard A. Gizelbach

Machine Trades Print Reading is a combination text and write-in workbook designed to help students develop the skills required to visualize and interpret industrial prints. Ideal for beginner students, this text provides very basic explanations supported by numerous print reading activities. The new edition complies with the most recent ASME Y14.5-2018 standard, resulting in a heavy revision of Unit 15—Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing. In addition to an overview of the role of prints in the design and manufacturing process, this text teaches students the fundamentals of visualizing shapes, line usage, title blocks and notes, math, measurement, dimensions, and tolerances. Print reading activities are included at the end of most units to provide students with valuable hands-on learning opportunities.

Table of Contents

Abbreviated Contents

Machine Trades Print Reading 7e