Medical Law & Professional Ethics, 1st Edition

Medical Law & Professional Ethics, 1st Edition

Authors: Lois Ritter and Donald Graham

Medical Law & Professional Ethics focuses on the interrelationship of healthcare, law, and ethics and the application of legal and ethical principles to the healthcare field. This introductory text covers topics such as patient and healthcare-provider rights and related laws, legal issues related to health information technology, and medical-legal issues across the lifespan. In addition, situations and dilemmas that arise when professional roles and personal ethics collide are explored. Special features include case studies, court cases, and “what-if?” ethical scenarios that promote critical thinking and foster class discussion. An engaging career-focus feature introduces students to a broad range of professions in which medical law and professional ethics intersect. Chapter-review material includes a variety of questions and activities to reinforce comprehension of key concepts covered in the text.

Table of Contents

Abbreviated Contents

Medical Law & Professional Ethics, 1st Edition