Chapter 6 Special Sensory Organs: Eye and Ear 243 Assessment Matching Anatomy and Physiology Vocabulary Directions: Match the vocabulary term in Column A with its meaning in Column B. The meanings can be used more than once. Column A Column B ______ 1. internal ear A. colored portion of the anterior eye B. nerve that carries impulses for the sense of sight from the retina to the brain C. external (outer) ear D. three small bones of the ear that transmit vibrations from the eardrum to the internal ear E. innermost layer of the eye that receives images formed by the lens F. structure of the eye that focuses light onto the retina G. inner ear H. white, outer protective layer of the eye I. eardrum J. central cavity of the ear K. tiny channels in the inner ear that control balance L. opening in the iris that contracts and dilates, regulating the amount of light that enters the eye M. transparent outer layer of the eye that covers the iris and pupil and allows light to enter ______ 2. lens ______ 3. middle ear ______ 4. optic nerve ______ 5. retina ______ 6. tympanic membrane ______ 7. cornea ______ 8. semicircular canals ______ 9. pupil ______ 10. sclera ______ 11. ossicles ______ 12. iris ______ 13. external auditory meatus SCORECARD: How Did You Do? Number correct (_____), divided by 13 (_____), multiplied by 100 equals _____ (your score) Word Elements In this section you will learn word elements—prefixes, combining forms, and suffixes—that are common to the special senses. By learning these word elements and understanding how they are combined to build medical terms, you will be able to analyze Juan’s health problem (described in the Intern Experience at the beginning of this chapter) and identify a large number of terms associated with the special senses.
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