244 Medical Terminology: Mastering the Basics E-Flash Card Activity: Word Elements Directions: Review the word elements in the tables that follow. Then, practice with the e-fl ash cards until you are able to quickly recognize the different word parts (prefi xes, combining forms, and suffi xes) and their meanings. The e-fl ash cards are grouped together by prefi xes, combining forms, and suffi xes, followed by a cumulative review of all the word elements that you learned in this chapter. Prefi xes This chapter presents terms that contain the prefixes listed below. Prefi x Meaning an- not without extra- outside hemi- half intra- inside within para- near beside peri- around Combining Forms Listed below are common combining forms used in medical terms per- taining to the sensory organs of vision and hearing. Root Word/Combining Vowel Meaning audi/o hearing blephar/o eyelid ir/o iris irid/o iris kerat/o cornea myc/o fungus myring/o tympanic membrane eardrum ocul/o eye ophthalm/o eye opt/o eye vision optic/o eye vision ot/o ear pleg/o paralysis presby/o old age retin/o retina scler/o sclera (white of the eye) tympan/o tympanic membrane eardrum
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