Metallurgy Fundamentals 7e, Explore Textbook

Metallurgy Fundamentals 7e, Explore Textbook

Author: J. C. Warner, R. Dean Odell, and Daniel A. Brandt

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Metallurgy Fundamentals provides instruction and information on the basic properties, characteristics, and production of the major metal families. The text emphasizes the practical aspects of metallurgy and explores the behavior of metals subjected to metallurgical processes. Clear, concise language and numerous full-color photos and illustrations make this an easy-to-understand text for students in introductory metallurgy courses. Numerous full-color tables, diagrams, and photographs show both the theoretical and practical aspects of metallurgy. The section on nonferrous metallurgy discusses the processes used to create nonferrous metals, as well as the modern uses of nonferrous alloys. This new edition provides up-to-date metallurgy coverage of current topics, including additive manufacturing, powder metallurgy, noble and rare earth metal applications, sustainable practices, safety, and practical applications. Special features include Safety Notes, Practical Metallurgy, Did You Know?, and Sustainable Metallurgy.

Table of Contents

Abbreviated Contents

Metallurgy Fundamentals 7e, Explore Textbook