888 Modern Welding braze welding, Continued processes, 469–478 safety, 478–479 brazing, 360, 433, 455 fi ller metal alloys, 463–468 fl uxes, 460–463 heat-resistant joints, 478 joint designs, 456–459 principles, 456 processes, 469–478 safety, 478–479 Brinell hardness testing machine, 787 brittleness, 735 broach, 348 bronze, 456, 585 Brown and Sharpe (B&S), 847 brushes, 126 buildup, 687 buried arc, 271 burn, 84 burning bar, 632–633 buttering, 687 butt joint, 45–48, 180–181 butt seam welding, 523 C capillary action, 433, 456 carbon arc cutting and gouging, 630–631 carbon dioxide, 216, 284 carbon equivalent (CE), 652 carbon monoxide (CO), 844 carbon steel, 560–561, 733 carbon steel electrodes, 163, 223 classifi cation, 141–145 carburizing fl ame, 80, 361 casehardening, 763–765 cast aluminum, 578, 584 cast iron, 570–574, 712 heat treating, 765–766 oxyfuel gas cutting, 427 production, 725–727 cathodes, 727 cementite, 734, 738 center line, 41 centrifugal, 730 chain intermittent weld, 62 check valve, 353 chemical analysis, 790–791 chemical cleaning, 460, 846 chemical corrosion, 688 chemical fl ux cutting (OC-F), 641 chipping hammer, 147 chip test, 743 chrome-molybdenum steels, 564–565 cladding, 687 coalescence, 455 code, 793 cofferdam, 655–656 coherent, 554 coking, 105 cold welding (CW), 540–541 collet body, 202–204 color test, 743 combination ac and dc arc welding power sources, 118 combustibles, 17 commutator, 126 compression fi ttings, 602 compressive strength, 734 computer courses, 836–837 conductivity, 494 connectors, 135 constant current, 192 constant current machine, 118 constant current power sources, 118–132, 154–155 constant current transformer-rectifi er, 125 constant voltage, 78 constricting nozzle, 305–306 consumable electrodes, 532 contactors, 491–492 contact tips, 220 contact tube, 220, 288 continuous casting process, 719–723 continuous current, 522 continuous weld pool, 373 contoured, 173 contract, 794 controllers, 490–491 convex bead, 381 cooling curves, 736–737 cooling methods, 754–756 copper alloys and welding, 584–588 heat treating, 766 manufacturing, 727–728 properties, 748–749 copper-based electrode, 145 corner joint, 48, 178–180 cover lens, 249 cover pass, 51, 63, 609 cracking, 365 crescent motion, 51 critical defect size, 772 critical temperature, 737, 754 cross-wire resistance welding, 505 crowned, 391 crucible, 727 cryogenic steel, 561 cupola furnace, 727 current analyzer, 516–517 cutting outfi t, 410 cutting oxygen lever, 411 cutting plane lines, 41 cutting speeds, PAC, 315 cutting torch, 344, 399–402, 410–414 multiple, 407 using, 415–417 cylinder cap, 324–325 cylinder pressure, temperature effects, 843 cylinder trucks, 397 D dash numbers, 224 dc arc blow, 171–172 DCEN. See direct current electrode negative DCEP. See direct current electrode positive DCRP. See direct current reverse polarity DCSP. See direct current straight polarity decarburization, 725 defects, 173–176, 771–772 defi ning points, 39 degreasing, 846 degreasing solvent, 445 density test, 743 dentrifi ers, 222 deoxidized copper, 748–749 deoxidizer, 222 depth of bevel, 60 destructive tests, 780 bend test, 780–782 nick break test, 783–784 peel test, 784 tensile test, 783 detail drawings, 36 detonation fl ame spraying, 700 Dewar fl asks, 323 dimension lines, 41 dimensions, 39–40 diode, 120 direct current (dc), 75 power sources, 118, 125–128 direct current arc welding, fundamen- tals, 153–157 direct current electrode negative (DCEN), 128, 156, 232 direct current electrode positive (DCEP), 128, 156, 232 direct current reverse polarity (DCRP), 128, 156
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