Chapter 1 Careers in Floriculture 17
job estimating skills, and product display. As a team leader, you can develop
your planning, communication, and creative and critical thinking skills and
help your teammates learn to work together effectively.
Students can also learn about available career options. Depending on their
region, college students may join student chapters of the American Institute of
Floral Designers to further hone their skills and compete at a higher level. State
fl oral associations also sponsor competitions at a variety of skill levels. fl
Exhibitions, competitions, and your class work can help you develop a
portfolio, or a collection of your work. As you develop your skills and create
both standard and original designs, record pertinent design information to
include in your portfolio. Include information such as the type of materials
used and the intent and meaning of your design and its influences. You fl
must also include quality photographs of each piece from multiple angles.
You should also include your awards and certifi of achievement. Many ficates
designers prepare digital portfolios as well as traditional printed portfolios.
Continuing Education
Even after getting a degree and beginning their careers, successful
fl orists continue to learn. fl Continuing education includes classes,
presentations, conferences, and other methods of learning, Figure 1-17. The
purpose of continuing education is to keep your skills current and to learn
about the latest breakthroughs and design ideas. High schools, community
colleges, trade schools, and independent fl oral design schools provide fl
continuing education experiences.
Professionals who want to excel in
the eld of floral design continue to fl
seek design education, furthering
their knowledge base and expanding
their abilities to meet the current
markets’ needs and trends.
Participation in a state floral fl
association provides a good source
of continuing education. Design
panels made up of industry experts
present programs on current trends,
mechanics, marketing, and design.
Hands-on classes are also offered in
conjunction with annual association
conferences. Association membership
provides many opportunities to
form business network connections.
Networking, or talking to other people
in the same eld, is a good way to
make new business contacts as well
Figure 1-17. Continuing education programs and fl oral industry symposiums fl
highlight contemporary styles and help florists stay connected to industry fl
trends. For instance, this stunning wedding backdrop would be reproduced at a
convention so designers would not only learn about it, but experience it firsthand.
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