Chapter 1 Careers in Floriculture 19
including Texas Certifi ed Florist, Texas Master Florist, and Texas Master
Florist Advanced certifi cation. The Michigan Floral Association is another
example of a state association that provides certifi cation to qualifi ed
fl orists. To be certifi ed, you typically take a test, with or without a hands-on
component. Some agencies require that you take a specifi c course or courses
prior to taking the certifi cation test. Contact your individual state association
for requirements.
American Institute of Floral Designers
Possibly the best-known certifi cation is offered by the American Institute
of Floral Designers (AIFD). The organization currently has two types of
certifi cation, both the (CFD) certifi ed fl oral designer status and the fully
accredited (AIFD) member. The American Institute of Floral Designers is an
international nonprofi t organization that supports the fl oriculture industry
by establishing high professional standards and supporting those standards
with education, certifi cation, and accredited membership. The AIFD has
six regions throughout the United States, and supports student chapters in
many colleges and universities. Scholarships are available through the AIFD
Foundation for talented fl oral designers who cannot afford the required
classes and fees.
Unlike other fl oral associations, AIFD has strict membership
requirements. All of its members are accredited—a status even higher than
the CFD certifi cation. The same steps are required for both certifi cation and
accreditation, Figure 1-20. However, only applicants with top scores in the
required hands-on design demonstration are invited to become accredited
AIFD members.
Scott Prokop/
Figure 1-19. In addition to the hands-on work you will do in the lab, you will also have to attend
class, study, research, and often work as a team. The skills you acquire in class will carry over to
the many student competitions in which you may compete.
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