Principles of Floral Design 3e, Online Textbook

Principles of Floral Design 3e, Online Textbook

Authors: Pat Diehl Scace and James M. DelPrince

Principles of Floral Design introduces the hands-on skills and theory required to begin a career as a floral designer. This heavily-illustrated textbook begins by introducing the floriculture industry and careers, the history of floriculture, and design principles and elements. The textbook then presents the various types of products used in floral designs, before progressing into common floral applications and events. The Step-by-Step Procedures were created to help instructors as well as students learn proper design. The student projects at the end of each chapter provide ideas for SAEs and interviews with industry professionals help students realize the wide range of career opportunities that floriculture offers.

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Table of Contents

Abbreviated Contents

Principles of Floral Design 3e, Online Textbook