Copyright Goodheart-Willcox Co., Inc.
ability. Skill a person learns through practice. (1-2)
abstinence. A choice to refrain from sexual
intercourse until marriage. (8-2)
accessory. An item that accents clothing and gives
an outfi t a fi nished look. (19-3)
accident. An unexpected event that causes loss,
injury, or sometimes death. (23-2)
account statement. A monthly, bimonthly, or
quarterly summary of a checking account. (17-1)
acquaintance rape. Rape committed by a person
whom the victim knows, such as a friend,
someone at school, a coworker, or someone
the victim just met. (8-4)
acquired immune defi ciency syndrome (AIDS).
A deadly sexually transmitted infection
caused by the human immunodefi ciency
virus, which breaks down the immune
system, leaving the body vulnerable to
disease. (12-3)
active listening. Focusing on the speaker’s
message and then providing feedback. (2-2)
active-physical play. Play that helps children
develop their large-muscle skills. They use their
large muscles for movements like walking,
running, hopping, jumping, and skipping. (11-1)
activity center. A grouping in a room of all the
furnishings needed for a particular activity. (23-1)
addiction. A dependence of the body on a continuing
supply of a substance, such as a drug. (7-3)
adjustable rate mortgage (ARM). A mortgage in
which the interest rate is adjusted up or down
periodically. (22-2)
adjustment lines. Two parallel lines that extend
across a pattern piece, indicating where to
shorten or lengthen the pattern piece. (21-1)
adolescence. The period of life from when
puberty begins until growth ceases and
adulthood is reached. (10-4)
adoptive family. Family that forms when a
couple chooses to legally adopt and raise
another family’s child. (6-2)
advertisement. A paid public message about goods
and services for sale, which is communicated
through various media. (18-3)
à la carte. Items on a restaurant menu that are
priced individually. (16-3)
alcoholic. A person who suffers from the disease
of alcoholism. (7-3)
alcoholism. A disease in which a person develops
a physical and psychological addiction to
alcohol. (7-3)
alteration. A change made to the size of a pattern
or garment to achieve better fi t. (21-1)
Alzheimer’s disease. A degenerative brain
condition. (10-5)
amino acid. A component of proteins. (13-1)
analogous color scheme. A color scheme that
combines three to fi ve hues found next to
each other on the color wheel. (19-2)
annual percentage rate (APR). The actual
percentage rate of interest paid for an entire
year. (17-3)
anorexia nervosa. A complex eating disorder in
which a person avoids eating, sometimes to
the point of starvation. (13-4)
apprenticeship. Learning program that provides
training for a trade or skill on the job under
the supervision of a skilled worker. (1-2)
aptitude. A person’s natural talent. (1-2)
aseptic packaging. A packaging technique in
which foods and containers are sterilized
separately before food is packed in the
container in a sterilized chamber. (14-4)
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