2 28 6 6 Part Two Creating a Safe and Healthful Environment
event a parent wants to add or
remove an individual from the list,
a new form needs to be completed.
Privacy Law
The p p rivacy y law is designed
to protect children. It states that a
child’s records cannot be given to
anyone other than parents without
the parents’ permission. Give a
child’s records only if the parents
have made the request in writing.
After receiving the request, the
materials must be released within
45 days. A form that can be included
in each child’s fi le is shown in fi 11-13.
Parents are given unlimited
access to all their child’s records
kept by the center. Included may be
screening information, developmental
evaluations, and parent meeting
planning sheets and summaries. Many
teachers share all this information
during parent meetings.
Injury Report Form
Child and Family Study Center
Child’s Name
Date of injury Time of injury a.m./p.m.
Type of injury: bite, broken bone, bruise, burn, choking, cut, ear, eye,
head, poisoning, scrape, p sliver, sprain,
Staff members present t:
Description of the incident: d (Include specifi c information, such as where
the child was playing, with w whom, and with what.)
Description of injury: (Include n specific information, such as type, location, fi
size, and severity of injury u and symptoms noted following injury.)
Action taken by staff: (Include all actions, such as treating injury,
seeking medical advice e or care, comforting child, and notifying director
and parents.)
(staff signature)
(parent signature)
T Th e information in an accident report form is useful for
p pa rents and teachers.
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