287 2 7 Chapter 11 Promoting Children’s Safety
The information contained in this fi le is confi dential and is not to be
circulated outside the center c without the prior written consent of the
child’s parents.
Under Public Law 93-3 38 0: Parents have access to all educational
records. According to this law:
(1) You are not allowed o to provide the information contained in this
fi le to anyone without w the written consent of the child’s parent
or guardian.
(2) You must advise parents of their rights concerning their
child’s fi le.
(3) Parents have th he right to read and review the fi le. Moreover,
they may request e a revision of information in their child’s fi le.
(4) Within forty-fi ve e (45) days, you are required to respond to a
parent’s reques st .
File reviewed by:
Name and Title A Ad dress Reason Date
U Us e a form such as this to record reviews of children’s fi les. U 11-13
Summary Summary
children requires a great deal of time
and attention to details. Danger can
be found in every corner of the center.
These Th es e dangers da ng er s can ca n threaten th re at en b b oth ot h
the physical and mental well-being
of children. Protecting children from
these dangers is the most important
job of a teacher.
Child care professionals need
to to b b e e prepared pr ep ar ed f f or or a a ny ny e e mergency. me rg en cy
You should know how to use fi re
extinguishers and how to safely
evacuate the children in case of a
fi re or other disaster. You should
know how to handle accidental
poisonings. Child care workers also
need ne ed t t o o recognize re co gn iz e signs si gn s of of p p ossible os si bl e
child abuse and know how to report
suspected cases.
Child care staff can be held
responsible for failing to follow state
licensing rules and regulations. It is
important im po rt an t to to k k now no w what wh at t t hose ho se r r ules ul es
are and to know the extent of any
possible liability.
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