with disabilities in the private sector and in
state and local governments. (16)
apparel design. The segment of the apparel
industry that conceives and creates
garments. (8)
apparel designer. A professional who is
involved in tasks such as cutting and
sewing sample garments as well as
selecting fabrics, trimmings, and notions
for designs. Other activities include selling
a design line (collection of related designs)
to company merchandisers, working with
manufacturing and production managers,
and collecting sales data. (8)
apparel industry. The industry responsible for all
fashion apparel processes from conception
through final production. In this segment of
the industry, apparel designers create clothing
that will meet the needs of consumers, and
manufacturers produce apparel that meets the
functional, fashion, and financial desires and
constraints of consumers. (8)
apparel production management. The segment
of the fashion industry that involves the
administration of all aspects of the apparel
manufacturing process from start to finish. (8)
apparel trade. The business segment that focuses
on the conception, production, marketing, and
sales of textile and apparel products. (Also
called the fashion industry.) (8)
appraiser. A professional who determines the
relative value of a property. (9)
asset property manager. A professional who
oversees the financial status of properties
and reports relevant information such as
occupancy rates, the status of leases, and other
financial matters to property owners. (9)
assets. All the things you have going for you,
including your personal characteristics,
experiences, resources, education, and
skills. (14)
benefits. Nonsalary services or rights provided
by an employer. Benefits may include flexible
schedules, tuition or sales discounts, award
ticket miles from air travel, holidays and
vacations, compensatory time, insurance
coverage, or any number of benefits that have
value to employees. (15)
career center. A resource located on college
and university campuses that offers
an abundance of career information to
students and alumni, such as counseling,
self-assessment tests, résumé writing help,
internship and job postings and contacts,
job shadowing programs, and help in
choosing a major and connecting the
chosen major to possible careers. (15)
career databases. Private and commercial
resources available to students and job
seekers on the Internet. (15)
career fair. A formal gathering of dozens or
even hundreds of potential employers in
one place at one time. (16)
career goal. A future career ambition or
aspiration. (16)
career objective. A specific and measurable
statement about what you want to be doing,
what kind of organization you desire to
work with, or the type of people with
whom you want to work. (16)
caregiver specialist. A professional who
provides information and resource and
referral services to support caregivers.
Caregiver specialists typically work for
government agencies, such as an Area
Agency on Aging. (12)
case manager. (Sometimes called a case
coordinator or caseworker.) A professional
who works directly with clients from all
representative populations. Case managers
are responsible for developing appropriate
case plans as well as helping direct care
managers develop specific plans. (11)
catering. Providing food and beverages for
special occasions, one-time or infrequent
events, or regularly scheduled events. (7)
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