Teaching Two-Year-Olds 148 1 1 1
Physical Development of
Three-Year-Olds 150
Cognitive Development of
Three-Year-Olds 152
Social-Emotional Development of
Three-Year-Olds 154
Teaching Three-Year-Olds 156 5 5 5 6 6 6
Understanding d d in in Four- and
Five-Year ea a r- r- O Ol ds 160
Physical Development of Four- and
Five-Year-Olds 1 16 16 16 16 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
Cognitive Development of
Preschoolers 1656 5 5 5
Social-Emotional Development of
Preschoolers 170
Teaching Four- and
Five-Year-Olds 174
M Mi ddle dd dd d Childhood o o o 180
Physical Development 182 8 2 2
Health Concerns 185 8 18 8 5
Cognitive Development 1888 8 18 8 8 8 8 8 8
Social-Emotional Development 192 19 19 9 19 2 2 2
Moral Development 197
Part 2
Creating a Safe and
Healthful Environment
Preparing Pr Pr r ep p p p p a the Environment i 204
Value of Planned Space 206
Physical Space 208
Furniture 212 21 21 2 2 2
Color Choices for Child Care
Centers 214 4
Factors That Affect Space
Organization 215 1 5
Organizing Basic Activity
Areas 218
Outdoor Play Environments 2272 7
Sel le cting Toys, Equipment, and S
Edu uc ational Materials 236
Selection Criteria 238
Using Technology in the
Classroom 249
Selecting Safe Toys 250
Safe Playgrounds 253
Selecting Playground
Equipment 256
Sources for Toys and
Equipment 259
Pro P omoting Children’s Safety 264
Safety Objectives 266
Neglect and Abuse 278
Liability 284 28 28 2 4 4 4
Planning ni Nutritious ri ri r ti i o o o Meals and
Snack c ks S 290
Nutrition 293
Planning Meals and Snacks 303
Serving Meals 3 3 3 30 7 7 7 7
Gui id ing Children’s dr r n n n Health G 314
Healthy Children 316
Objectives for Guiding Health 317
Health Policies 317
Controlling Foodborne Illness 328
First Aid 329
Wounds and Their Treatment 330
Burns and Their Treatment 332
Splinters 334
Insect Stings 335
Choking 335
Oral Hygiene 336
Dental Emergencies 336
Head Lice 337
Caring for Children Who Become
Ill 338
Special Health Concerns 340
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